General Gynecology Services in Arizona


去看有经验的妇科医生应该是每个女人每年例行公事的一部分. Our gynecologists are skilled in all areas of women’s reproductive health. Seeing your gynecologist regularly helps you stay healthy and be proactive.


Our goal is to provide accessible, comprehensive healthcare for women in a safe, 舒适的环境,让每个病人都感到足够舒适,可以讨论任何问题.

我们的妇科医生对女性的健康非常了解,并认识到每种情况的独特性, allowing them to help every woman and their needs effectively. Whether you may need surgery or a strategy for treatment, we are prepared to find a solution that works for you. 我们的团队致力于为所有年龄段的女性提供高质量的医疗保健-因为照顾好自己很重要.

About a Women’s Health Provider

许多女性可能会发现自己在预约妇科医生时感到紧张. 但当你对妇科有了更多的了解后,它就不那么令人生畏了. 妇女在一生中面临各种独特的健康问题,需要不同的护理. A gynecologist helps ensure you are healthy.

Our Arizona Gynecology Services

我们在AZGYN提供各种女性保健十大正规靠谱网赌平台,以确保您的健康得到照顾. Here are some of our general gynecology and women’s health services:


Well-woman care involves an examination of your general and sexual history, 初步检查, possible consultation for contraception, reviewing medications, 和更多的. This is to get a better idea of your health and how you can take care of it. 它类似于初级检查,但通常包括更深入的检查.

Primary Care for Women





更年期 is an entirely new phase of life for women. With this new phase of life often comes questions, 担忧, and wondering — all of which our menopause specialists can help you through.


If you are experiencing abnormal bleeding, whether on or off your period, 应该立即检查,找出原因并妥善处理. 异常出血通常是由子宫颈或子宫的其他内部问题引起的.

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence, or unintentional urinating when you laugh or cough, 例如, can be caused by a few different things. 最好去检查一下,看看如何才能最好地照顾和十大正规靠谱网投平台它.


Pelvic pain is a problem for many women, especially as they age. If you struggle with pelvic pain, there may be an underlying cause. 这些原因包括肌肉骨骼问题或生殖道问题. Regardless of what the cause is, 我们经验丰富的妇科医生可以帮助你找到问题的根源,并开始减轻你的痛苦.


激素替代是一种很好的方法,通过给你的身体提供正常运转所需的激素来帮助对抗更年期症状. 例如,随着更年期的到来,体内雌激素的产生会大大减少. 正因为如此, 雌激素替代激素可以帮助许多女性对抗更年期症状.


We offer general adolescent health services as well.


卵巢囊肿是在女性卵巢内或卵巢上形成的充满液体的口袋. 如果不及时十大正规靠谱网投平台, they can often cause health complications such as pain, 体重增加, 月经不调, 和更多的. Ovarian cysts are also common in those who have PCOS.


Uterine fibroids are abnormal growths of the uterus. 虽然它们不是癌症,但它们会引起疼痛、长时间月经和其他问题. They often appear during a woman’s child-birthing years. If you notice abnormal pain during periods or during intercourse, you should talk to a professional to have it examined.


子宫内膜异位 is a painful, 一种慢性疾病,正常情况下子宫内部的组织在外面. 任何患有子宫内膜异位症的人都应该定期去看妇科医生,以便制定十大正规靠谱网投平台策略.


当阴道内的肌肉随着时间的推移被拉伸或削弱时,就会发生脱垂. 这些肌肉可以随着时间的推移重新训练或加强,特别是在手术的帮助下.

Reproductive Tract Anomalies

生殖道异常包括结构问题和异常生长. 生殖外科手术可以帮助识别和消除导致问题的生殖道异常. While sometimes these anomalies might not cause any symptoms, it’s best to have them removed before they do.


While vaginal discharge is normal, 有时它可能表明女性的pH值或内部健康出了问题, like when there is a yeast infection.


Pelvic infections can be caused by a variety of bacteria or infections. Common causes are often chlamydia or gonorrhea, both infections which enter through your reproductive organs. 如果不及时十大正规靠谱网投平台,这些疾病会恶化为盆腔感染和其他问题.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Sexually transmitted diseases are diseases spread through sexual intercourse. 你是否想要积极主动地接受检测或需要十大正规靠谱网投平台已确诊的性病, our experienced and compassionate gynecologists can help.


美容方面的问题包括重建和修复,可以帮助改善外观, 函数, and sometimes even sensitivity of the vagina.


Decreased libido can occur at any time. But when it doesn’t seem to be going away, there might be a problem. Don’t wait to talk to one of our trusted gynecologists for advice.


性交疼痛通常是潜在问题的征兆,比如子宫肌瘤, 子宫内膜异位, 卵巢囊肿, 和更多的.


宫颈发育不良是指宫颈上生长的异常细胞,通常是癌前细胞. Both prescription medication and surgery can help treat dysplasia. 我们的女性健康十大正规靠谱网赌平台人员会知道哪种选择最适合你的情况.


Masses can be both cancerous and non-cancerous. Polyps, 例如, are often non-cancerous. 无论如何,看妇科医生将有助于对任何可能被发现的肿块保持积极主动.

Laparoscopic Abdominal Cerclage

腹腔镜腹部环扎术是一种非常有效、耐受性良好的手术十大正规靠谱网投平台方法 难治性宫颈功能不全或解剖限制的患者阴道环扎术.



Breast Masses and Pain

我们的团队还可以检查您可能正在经历的乳房肿块或疼痛, as these can often be precursors to breast cancer.

Pre-Surgical Weight Loss Management

Before having any sort of weight loss surgery, 在手术前和手术后,需要制定一份专门的饮食来保持你的健康和正常运作. 我们的女性健康十大正规靠谱网赌平台人员可以帮助您制定适合您的计划.


我们为我们的任何检查和十大正规靠谱网赌平台提供咨询,让我们的病人感到舒适. We want to help you find the best solutions for you.

Our Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures

在AZGYN, we use the latest technology, 信任的方法, and skilled gynecologists to perform surgical procedures on:

  • Ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, chronic pelvic pain
  • Sterilization, vaginal prolapse, vaginal reconstruction
  • Stress urinary incontinence and cervical dysplasia
  • 子宫内膜异位, abnormal uterine bleeding, and reproductive tract anomalies

Schedule an Appointment With Our Gynecologists Today

Our goal is to provide extensive, accessible healthcare for all women. Whether you’re looking for primary care or reproductive health services, our professionals are here to help.


Question: Do You Do 远程医疗访问?

回答AZGYN很自豪能够通过远程医疗扩展我们的各种综合十大正规靠谱网赌平台. 我们可以通过与患者的在线联系提供建议、支持和教育. 我们知道现在要亲自去找女性健康十大正规靠谱网赌平台提供者是多么的复杂. If you’re looking to schedule a telehealth visit 与我们.

Question: Where Are You Located?

回答: AZGYN has multiple locations in the Phoenix and 台面 areas. Find the one that is closest to you, and don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our locations include:

  • 凤凰麦克道尔
  • 凤凰城奥斯本
  • 凤凰贝尔
  • 台面
  • 天堂谷

了解更多 about all AZGYN locations in Arizona.

Question: How Do I Schedule an Appointment?

回答: There are a few ways to schedule with AZGYN. 通过致电我们的一个地点或使用我们的患者门户网站,与我们的团队预约,轻松在线创建您的下一次预约.

新病人包Urology Instructions